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Welcome/Karibu to GACS

 Five long serving airline maintenance and engineering managers each one with over thirty years hands-on and management experience in aircraft and engine selection and procurement, maintenance planning, engineering development, aircraft heavy and line maintenance, engine and component maintenance, quality assurance and control, maintenance in-sourcing and out-sourcing, maintenance training, spares and tools logistics with  one of the most successful airline in Africa and globally formed GACS with the aim of applying this experience to the benefit of air operators, aircraft lessors and financiers, manufacturers and spares distributors by working together to evolve solutions to short, medium and long term challenges that they may face from time to time.  We also have a representative in the USA to enable us to deliver a worldwide service better.

 We are all committed to the company:


        Become the premier East African Aviation Consultancy Company with global network of aviation industry clients for provision of world class solutions to their operational and maintenance needs.


        To promote air safety, efficiencies and cost effectiveness in the aviation industry by offering practical quality systems, engineering, maintenance and spares supply logistics solutions to airlines, air operators, manufacturers, maintenance providers and financiers in the industry that effectively address their short, medium and long   term needs for the benefit of the global air transport industry

In serving our Customers the company will be anchored to:


  • ·          Customer Focus
  • ·          Professionalism
  • ·          Ethics and Integrity
  • ·          Time Management
  • ·          Cost Effectiveness
  • ·          Equal opportunity employer
  • ·          Environment protection
  • ·          Confidentiality


We are appoved by KCAA Click here to view the Approval Letter

                                                  Click to view KCAA approval Letter






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