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Naftaly Wanjohi Mwangi Bio

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Name - Naftaly Wanjohi Mwangi
Title - Aviation Consultant 

Tel - +254 720 344095

email - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   
Nationality – Kenyan

Address - P. O.  BOX 54176-00200, Nairobi.



≥   B.Sc (Electrical Engg),Upper 2nd Class Hons (1975), University of  Nairobi
≥   Engineering Internship at East African Airways (June 1975– Dec 1976)
≥   Aircraft Systems type courses at Airbus, Fokker and Boeing
≥   Manufacturer Systems courses for equipment fitted to various aircraft
≥   Various Senior Management Courses
≥   Emergency Response training (Blake)
≥   Job Evaluation course (Hay)


  Was  accountable to the Technical Director for the Engineering Development, the Engineering Planning, the Aircraft Workshops and the Inventory Planning and Control divisions of  the airline.
≥  Was responsible for Aircraft Base Maintenance and Aircraft Maintenance Planning divisions of the company.                                            
≥  Sourced for suitable Maintenance Repair Organisations to undertake out-sourced maintenance of airframes, engines, landing gears, propellers and components and negotiated suitable contracts and oversaw their execution.      
≥  Was a member and later the leader of the Airline’s aircraft Fleet Development team that determined the required fleet composition, developed aircraft specifications, requested and evaluated proposals, negotiated terms for  the purchase or lease of additional aircraft, selected optional buyer furnished equipment, developed implementation budgets and oversaw the entire aircraft manufacturing, acceptance and entry into service processes.
≥  Was a member of the airline’s Job Evaluation team representing the Technical Department.   
≥  Was a member of the airline’s Strategy Development team representing the Technical Department.     
≥  Was the Crisis Management Centre (CMC) Technical Director where I represented the department and later assumed the role of its overall Director. 
≥  Deputised for the airline’s Technical Director  whenever he was away or the office was vacant.
≥  Was a member of the Committee of Experts appointed by the Kenya Government in August 2010 to study the structure, organization, fleets composition, facilities and equipment of public air wings and come up with recommendations on how they can be reformed.



Job Title  Date   Company
 Head of Base Maintenance  2006-2008  Kenya Airways
 Head of Technical Support  1994-2006  Kenya Airways
 Manager Inventory Planning & Control  1990-1994  Kenya Airways
 Manager Engineering Development  1987-1990  Kenya Airways
 Senior Development Engineer  1980-1987  Kenya Airways
 Development Engineer  1977-1980  Kenya Airways
 Trainee Assistant Development Engineer   1976-1977  East African Airways
Read 14234 times
Last modified on Wednesday, 08 November 2017 13:37
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