Title - Aviation Consultant
Tel - +254 722 613309
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Nationality – Kenyan
Address - P. O. BOX 54176-00200, Nairobi.
≥ Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineer - Avionics
≥ Airworthiness Administration
≥ Flight Safety Administration
≥ Civil Aviation Management
≥ Government Inspectors Course / Air Carrier Indoctrination Course at the FAA Academy in Oklahoma and on the job training to FAA office in Los Angeles.
≥ UK CAA course at University of Kent at Canterbury and on the job training attachment to CAA office at Stanstead.
≥ ICAO Seminar on Safety oversight at ICAO Nairobi Office.
≥ Aircraft maintenance Management at ESAMI-Arusha, Tanzania.
≥ Aircraft Type courses including: B757 and B737 in Seattle USA Airbus A310 in Toulouse, France; Fokker-F27, F50, DC 9-30 among others.
≥ Aircraft Maintenance Engineer – Avionics - Brunnel Technical College (Bristol, U.K) 1970-73
≥ Certification of new and used aircraft coming on to the Kenya Civil Aircraft Register.
≥ Aircraft Maintenance Organisation (AMO), Air Operator Certificate (AOC), and Aircraft Training Organisation (ATO) auditing for approval purposes.
≥ Aircraft Airworthiness inspections .
≥ Recommendation and development of guidance material for both the Authority and industry.
≥ Participation to On-job training of Kenya Civil Aviation Authority (KCAA) personnel.
≥ Panellist of KCAA recruiting interviews.
≥ Was a member of the airline’s Strategy Development team representing the Technical Department.
≥ Overseeing setting and marking engineers’ examinations.
≥ Overseeing conducting oral examinations to engineering candidates for licensing purposes.
≥ A member of the team of consultants under Sofreavia of France on the World Bank funded Flight Safety project at KCAA for three years up to January 2010.
Job Title | Date | Company |
Consulting in Aviation & Flight Safety | 2002-2012 | Aeronautical Consultantcy Services |
Deputy Director of Civil Aviation (Technical Services) & Flight Safety Division | 2000-2002 | Directorate of Civil Aviation |
Assistant Director of Civil Aviation in Charge of Airworthiness Division | 1995-2000 | Directorate of Civil Aviation |
Chief Airworthiness Surveyor | 1981-1995 | Directorate of Civil Aviation |
Aircraft Maintenance Engineer - Avionics | 1973-1981 | Kenya Airways |